$MVRS Ethereum

Magaverse: Our Future

A peaceful world full of love, joy, compassion, abundance and creativity where humanity is united as one collective.

Crypto currency is used worldwide due to its speed, reliability, transparency and anonymity.

AI innovation unleashes a new age of increased productivity so people can focus on creative pursuits and meaningful scientific research.

Nutritional, dietary and longevity information is taught to everyone, significantly increasing the average human lifespan.

Spiritual truth is known by everyone, and taught to all children.

Humanity explores the cosmos, setting up bases on the moon, Mars and beyond.

Why Magaverse?

Why not? We and our children deserve a better future than what's handed to us, don't you think?

Whatever we focus on with our heart & soul will become reality, so instead of animal GIFs how about let's focus on a vision that is worthy of humanity's infinite potential and make that reality come true?

Don't you want to have financial freedom? Live healthier and longer? Enjoy quality time with family and loved ones? Fulfill your creative potential? Realize the truth of our existence? Explore the mysteries of the universe? Don't you want them for your children?

All of that and so much more are possible, starting right here with this movement that is spreading across the globe: a peaceful and united vision for our future.

So join the family, get the token, invite your friends, let's manifest the new world :)

What's the plan?

Build a strong & vibrant community

Localize the website in more languages

Grow presence & following on major social media platforms

Develop educational content on spirituality, health & nutrition

Raise funding for centralized exchange listings

Market on main stream media platforms

Spread the vision to 8+ billion people on earth

Make the vision a reality for us, our children, grand children, and great grand children

What can I do?

Pray, meditate, establish a regular spiritual practice

Spend time with loved ones, go enjoy nature, eat healthy, exercise

Be kind to your fellow human beings, do something nice for them without any expectations

Apologize for what you've done wrong, forgive those who have wronged you

Spread love and joy, lend a helping hand to those in need, make someone's day better

Join the community, follow our socials, share the vision to as many people as possible

Get the token, and hold for as long as you can for it takes for that vision of the future to become our reality


960 million supply, burnt liquidity, 0% tax, community take over


$MVRS is a meme coin built around a shared vision for the future of humanity and is supported only by the community's conviction and enthusiasm for that vision.

Like all cryptocurrencies, $MVRS does not have any expectations of financial return due to having no intrinsic value and is subject to high levels of market volatility and risk, DYOR.

How to buy?

You can buy $MVRS on Ethereum with any wallet app that supports ERC-20 token swaps such as Phantom Wallet, Uniswap, MetaMask.

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